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San Juan



We understand the building under two fundamental aspects, first: the “Institutional / Community” aspect, one of the powers of the state with its institutional image present in an enclave of the city and its proximity to the community, and second: the “Accessibility / Community” aspect. Urban Connectivity”, which reconciles the proposed complex with the sector where it is located and its possibility of expansion and relationship with new urban centers. This urban intervention will undoubtedly become a new center of civic and cultural activity in the city of San Juan.


Development of three project actions: 1- Consolidate on the front of Av. Benavidez a linear plaza that structures and organizes the access to the judicial city and the cultural center. 2- Define a shaded parking system in the patio of the lot. 2 3- Implement the building in such a way that it consolidates a new front on Av. Benavidez and at the same time articulates the urban scale of the access plaza, with the shaded parking lot. ROAD NETWORK The land is delimited by three important arteries in the sector, Av. Benavidez, National Route N°40, and Tucumán Street. Our proposal defines Benavidez Avenue as the main artery, where the complex contacts the urban fabric. We propose a linear piece, a dry square, prior to the complex. In this urban piece, pedestrian and vehicular access (taxis and taxis) to the different programmatic blocks are resolved. Access to shaded parking lots and covered parking lots is resolved through RN40 and Calle Tucumán.


The internal façade is made up of a glass skin that has a DVH: Low-E glass on the inside combined with a Blindex solar control glass, reducing heat entry and preventing heat loss through an aluminum sheet panel with polyurethane within the integral façade system. - The roof of the entire complex is made up of an extensive PLANT substrate, which requires little maintenance and is not accessible to the public. It absorbs SOLAR ENERGY, having a great influence on improving thermal INSULATION and attenuating thermal oscillations. In this way, it provides not only an energy issue but also an ENVIRONMENTAL issue. - The outer perimeter of the three blocks is materialized with a WALL of high thermal MASS as it is made up of two H° A° partitions separated by an expanded polystyrene plate, allowing the heat from the sun to be conserved and dissipated for a certain period of time. solving the

THERMAL AMPLITUDE of the place. SEISMIC RESISTANCE - The linearity present in the modulated STRUCTURE, with no out-of-phase elements, allows the building to provide a good response to horizontal forces, thus having LATERAL resistance and RIGIDITY. - The use of SOLAR PANELS on the roof guarantees a certain EFFICIENCY in energy terms using a natural source such as solar radiation. The system will have two types of panels, this one being HYBRID. On the one hand, it will generate ELECTRICAL energy through photovoltaic cells, which will be injected into the local network, and on the other, it will heat the WATER through a thermo-solar collector.


Project details:

Location: San Juan, San Juan, Argentina.

Authors: Architect Gustavo Aranguren Architect Adrián Olivero Architect Ezequiel Muñoz

Collaborators: Ezequiel Schwab Architect Ana Lazzeretti Architect Pamela Mendicoa Ezequiel Casarin

Year: 2018

Approximate covered area: 60,000 m2

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